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Mailerlite Review 2023: Beginner Friendly Email Marketing Tool

In this article, I’ve talked about one of the best begineer friendly Email Marketin tool, yes in this blog I’ve talked about Mailerlite Review.

Strategic planning and marketing are crucial when building your own online brand since they help drive the traffic that your business needs. One of the best and most powerful strategies for connecting with people and establishing your presence is email marketing.

Mailerlite enters the picture to simplify one of the protocols. Mailerlite appears to be a blessing for bloggers or small business owners in the world of intense competition in the field of digital marketing.

But is Mailerlite really as efficient as it claims to be? Let’s investigate.

ALSO READ: How to Write Better E-Mails at Work?

What is Mailerlite?

Your emails are controlled, automated, and organized by this email marketing tool. It appears that this software performs automated email marketing without the owner’s involvement.

Small business owners were having trouble with online marketing at the time, and Mailerlite was founded in 2010 with the intention of assisting small, established firms in creating a digital footprint.

Mailerlite maintained a reasonable service charge because it caters to small business owners, freelancers, and bloggers. It has expanded enormously and established its market pretty firmly in the digital world as a result of their accessibility.

As a fellow entrepreneur, I was drawn to the features they provided and investigated further to determine whether Mailerlite is, in fact, what it purports to be.

Fundamental Features of Mailerlite

This software boasts of providing a plethora of additional functionalities required for any digital blog or business to operate and thrive in the online market. Let’s go into detail about a few of its fundamental attributes.

Designing marketing campaigns:

With Mailer lite, it is no longer necessary to engage a designer to produce unique newsletters and advertisements. Anyone can use the pre-sets that are included to make their very own newsletters and advertisement banners. some of the pre-sets are

  • Drag And Drop Editors,
  • Rich Text Editors,
  • Custom HTML Editors,
  • Newsletter Templates.

The best aspect is that you may begin designing without having any prior knowledge of HTML.

E-commerce campaigns:

To communicate offers and advertise sales, a number of high-end e-commerce firms utilize email marketing. To design and send email ad campaigns, Mailerlite may be coupled with your Shopify or Woo Commerce platform or store.

  • Data Synchronization;
  • Shopify/WooCommerce Platform Connection;
  • Customer Purchase Behavior Prediction;
  • Custom Sale Adverts

Establish and expand your brand.

To manage and boost the number of subscribers that visit your page, Mailerlite makes use of a variety of tools, including pop-up mailers, forms, and landing pages.
Create landing pages,

  • Manage Embedded Forms,
  • Track Subscribers,
  • Control Pop-Ups,
  • Manage Embedded Forms,
  • Construct Websites.

Email automation and marketing:

Email marketing is the main purpose of this program. As a result, Mailerlite offers a few premium features to guarantee efficient email marketing.

  • Automated Email;
    • Interest Group Tagging Feature
    • Brand-Specific Email Customization;
    • Promotional Pop-Ups

Other Features of Mailerlite:

In addition to the features we have already discussed, there were other aspects we liked –

·       Affordable Plans and Pricing

the nicest thing about Mailer lite is that it’s free for users with fewer than 1000 subscribers. Affordable plans with beginning monthly prices of $10 have been set up for populations over 1000. Therefore, opening an account with them won’t cost you anything.

·       Features That Are Simple to Use:

After setting up your account, you have access to special features like landing pages, embedding forms, and pop-ups for your website.

·       Free Automations and Tagging Features:

Mailer lite integrates a number of premium automation functions, including bulk tagging, linking with auto responders, etc., at no charge, giving users access to useful tools.

·       Clean Dashboard:

A convoluted dashboard causes a lot of navigational difficulties. By developing a user-friendly, highly interactive dashboard, Mailer lite has taken things a step further.

·      Click Maps:

with this option enabled, you can monitor how readers interact with your mailings. It provides you with a clear understanding of how your email and the audience interact. You can improvise in accordance with what your audience tends to click on (whether it’s a photo, video, or link) once you know that information.

·       Including A Function For A/B Split Testing.

If you’re unclear about how to design your newsletter to improve performance, A/B split testing will help you make a decision. You can make two different versions of your email, test them out on a group of recipients, and see which one works better. In this way, the user will find it simpler to understand the fundamental marketing algorithm.

·      Division/Segmentation:

This function enables you to divide your audience into groups according to the parameters you specify, such as geography, age group, occupation, etc. This audience division enables you to send targeted emails to certain groups and gain access to a larger audience.

·      RSS Emails:

using this function, you can instantly update or add new content to your website and send RSS emails to your audience. By doing this, you can keep your audience informed whenever you add new content to your website.

·      Opens By Location:

this feature allows you to see your audience’s interactions based on their geo-location in the campaign reports tabs.

This helps you understand how to develop your target audience.

·       Auto-Optimization

Auto-Optimization of email for any mobile device, such as smartphones or tablets, is another unique feature of Mailerlite that is noted. Mailerlite seamlessly optimizes your email so that, regardless of the device, your newsletter appears complete and excellent when viewed by the audience. This is because most people use mobile devices more than laptops or desktops.

·       Custom Handling and User Rights:

this special feature enables the chief administrator to establish a hierarchy of teams working under him to run the company or website effectively. You can either create a custom job type or use the pre-configured usernames. Each individual has access to everything the administrator directs.

·       Plugin/Integration Feature

Mailerlite enables integration into a variety of different apps so that you can send users of such apps to your website. Several of the platforms are:

  1. Shopify
    1. Facebook
    1. Zapier
    1. Ninja popups
    1. Squarespace
    1. WooCommerce
    1. WordPress
    1. Gleam
    1. Sendowl
    1. Mailercheck
    1. Optinmonster
    1. Privy
    1. Card
    1. Easystore
    1. Kickbox
    1. The list keeps on.

If you utilize a covert platform, there is a good probability that Mailerlite integration is supported.

Pros and Cons of Using Mailerlite

Pros Of Mailerlite

There are many benefits of Mailerlite few of them are mentioned bellow

A Variety of Features Are Offered:

There are many wonderful features in Mailerlite, like funneling and app integration.

Convenience for New Users:

The tidy and clear interface makes it simpler to go through the many menu options. For new users and bloggers, Mailerlite has a significant benefit because of its user-friendly navigation.

Excellent Tracking Attributes:

Mailerlite provides premium capabilities at your disposal, including by-location tracking, segmentation, and click mapping. These tools can significantly improve your capacity to categories your audience, map them, and deliver targeted emails.

Generally Affordable:

Mailerlite’s premium capabilities are available for free if you have fewer than 1000 subscribers. For use of the features, you must pay a minimum of $10 and more if you have more than 1000 subscribers.
Given the advantages, the costs are reasonable, making Mailerlite’s capabilities accessible to any blogger or small company owner.

Vast Integration Possibilities:

Mailerlite is supported by a wide range of platforms. You can connect the plugin and use it to deliver emails to your audience from Facebook to Squarespace. People who run ecommerce businesses on Shopify or Woo Commerce can take advantage of this to engage with their consumers by giving them coupons, offers, and sales news, as well as information about referral programmes, flash sales, and other events. Such postal letters may increase traffic to their website.

Target-Based Mailing:

You have the choice to divide your audience into groups and send them targeted mail so they may see the information that is pertinent to them. Even more! You may even go more specific about what kind of mailing your audience prefers using A/B split testing. It therefore has an added benefit.

Reliable Support:

Team Mailerlite has developed some excellent user support services. You can contact them to conveniently find answers to your questions.

Cons of Mailerlite:

Protracted approval process

Despite the fact that the features are both free and rather promising, the approval process is both terrible and extremely taxing. The procedure entails:
You will be prompted by Mailerlite to enter your information, including your website domain and mailing address.
After providing all the necessary information, you must wait for them to approve your application, which takes a lot of time and a lot of luck to be accepted.

No complications with approval

Many people report that their application was not approved despite the lack of a valid explanation being provided. First-time users feel frustrated as a result of this.

Lack of adequate back-end support:

A user may occasionally experience issues with the software. Their poor back-end support can occasionally make things worse for users. 

Limited features:

Although Mailerlite offers a wide range of capabilities, it hasn’t yet developed any that are as sophisticated and dependable as those found in other high-end or premium software serving the same market, as we’ve highlighted. 

A lack of expert equipment 

The software lacks some professional tools like international tag funneling, which can empower some moderate- to high-end corporations but can also empower beginners with all the characteristics listed above.  Even when the issue of price comes up, adding specific features can increase the software’s dependability.

Plans and pricing for Mailerlite:

Mailerlite has simple plans and pricing.
The account is free for those with fewer than 1000 subscribers, and a monthly maximum of 12000 emails can be sent. With a $10 subscription, the user can receive an unlimited number of emails.
It costs $15 per subscriber up to 2500.It costs $30 from 2501 to 5000, and the price rises correspondingly.
If a user wants to check out the premium services first, Mailerlite offers a 14-day trial period.


Final Thoughts

Mailer Lite combines Convert Kit’s basic segmentation with Mailchimp’s affordability, but it offers more features and is overall simpler to use than Mail chimp. Convert Kit only supports plain-text and simple HTML emails.

The key attributes of an email marketing platform that Mailerlite possesses include straightforward yet efficient campaigns, strong segmentation tools, and a wide range of workflow possibilities. Although it lacks Get Response’s automation templates, its workflow interface has the same potential.

The approval procedure mandated by MailerLite’s anti-spam policy is the only drawback. It all began when Mailerlite was placed on a blacklist by Spamhaus in 2018 for allowing spammers to use their platform without consequence. The name is a combination of a global group that offers major Internet networks real-time threat intelligence. When you initially sign up and each time you wish to upgrade your account, you must go through an approval process. Fortunately, approval is rather simple; however, some customers have complained of being turned down despite complying with Mailer Lite criteria.

What’s worse, a small number of trustworthy users who imported existing lists to Mailerlite claim that the platform restricted their accounts after they sent their first messages, despite the fact that they never experienced similar restrictions from other platforms like Mailchimp.

Despite this inconvenience, many people are drawn to MailerLite’s simplicity of use and robust segmentation capabilities at such a low cost, especially those coming from Mail chimp. The free plan gives you access to the majority of the platform’s functionality, but it restricts you to sending 12,000 emails per month and excludes email templates and some campaigns. Premium subscriptions start at $10 per month for unlimited emails and up to 1,000 subscribers.

Frequently Asked Question

Is Mailerlite a reliable email service?

The email marketing solution Mailerlite is excellent, indeed. Although it may not be as well polished as some of the other top competitors, it still has a tonne of features, especially considering the price, and easily merits a spot on our list of the best products. not to mention that there is a free plan available as well.

Which is superior, ConvertKit or Mailerlite? 

Mailerlite narrowly prevails over ConvertKit in this comparison. With its drag-and-drop editor and straightforward interface, Mailerlite is simpler to use, even if ConvertKit has somewhat superior automation capabilities. ConvertKit does not offer a free plan; Mailerlite does.

Mailerlite, is it free?

Mailerlite does indeed provide a free plan! 1,000 contacts and 12,000 emails can only be sent each month. When you register for a free account, you can also use the majority of the platform’s premium services for two weeks.

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